Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Axially Chiral BODIPY DYEmers: An Experimental and Computational Study

August 13, 2018


Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Axially Chiral BODIPY DYEmers: An Experimental and Computational Study


Francesco Zinna, Torsten Bruhn, Ciro A. Guido, Johannes Ahrens, Martin Bröring, Lorenzo Di Bari, Gennaro Pescitelli




Chemistry A European Journal


With our new home‐built circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) instrument, we measured fluorescence and CPL spectra of the enantiomeric pairs of two quasi‐isomeric BODIPY DYEmers 1 and 2, endowed with axial chirality. The electronic circular dichroism (ECD) and CPL spectra of these atropisomeric dimers are dominated by the exciton coupling between the main π–π* transitions (550–560 nm) of the two BODIPY rings. Compound 1 has strong ECD and CPL spectra (glum=4×10−3) well reproduced by TD‐DFT and SCS‐CC2 (spin‐component scaled second‐order approximate coupled‐cluster) calculations using DFT‐optimized ground‐ and excited‐state structures. Compound 2 has weaker ECD and CPL spectra (glum=4×10−4), partly due to the mutual cancellation of electric–electric and electric–magnetic exciton couplings, and partly to its conformational freedom. This compound is computationally very challenging. Starting from the optimized excited‐state geometries, we predicted the wrong sign for the CPL band of 2using TD‐DFT with the most recommended hybrid and range‐separated functionals, whereas SCS‐CC2 or a DFT functional with full exact exchange provided the correct sign.




Circular dichroism, Stereochemistry, Cotton effect, Organic chemistry