Human Leukocyte Antigen F Presents Peptides and Regulates Immunity through Interactions with NK Cell Receptors

August 13, 2018


Human Leukocyte Antigen F Presents Peptides and Regulates Immunity through Interactions with NK Cell Receptors


Charles L. Dulberger, Curtis P. McMurtrey, Angelique Hölzemer, Karlynn E. Neu, Victor Liu, Adriana M. Steinbach, Wilfredo F. Garcia-Beltran, Michael Sulak, Bana Jabri, Vincent J. Lynch, Marcus Altfeld, William H. Hildebrand, Erin J. Adams






Evidence is mounting that the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule HLA-F (human leukocyte antigen F) regulates the immune system in pregnancy, infection, and autoimmunity by signaling through NK cell receptors (NKRs). We present structural, biochemical, and evolutionary analyses demonstrating that HLA-F presents peptides of unconventional length dictated by a newly arisen mutation (R62W) that has produced an open-ended groove accommodating particularly long peptides. Compared to empty HLA-F open conformers (OCs), HLA-F tetramers bound with human-derived peptides differentially stained leukocytes, suggesting peptide-dependent engagement. Our in vitro studies confirm that NKRs differentiate between peptide-bound and peptide-free HLA-F. The complex structure of peptide-loaded β2m-HLA-F bound to the inhibitory LIR1 revealed similarities to high-affinity recognition of the viral MHC-I mimic UL18 and a docking strategy that relies on contacts with HLA-F as well as β2m, thus precluding binding to HLA-F OCs. These findings provide a biochemical framework to understand how HLA-F could regulate immunity via interactions with NKRs.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Thermal stability, Protein denaturation, Thermodynamics, Biochemistry