HPLC Fluorescence Detectors

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HPLC Fluorescence detector
FP-4020 HPLC Fluorescence Detector

HPLC Fluorescence Detectors

The FP-4020 and FP-4025 fluorescence detectors have been designed for the pursuit of extreme sensitivity. A complete redesign of the optics and electronics, as well as removing the effects of temperature fluctuation with a new temperature-regulated cell body has led to the highest sensitivity with stable detection.

Unparalleled Sensitivity

HPLC Fluorescence detector
High sensitivity measurement of Anthracene

The new axially irradiated cell design enables the very highest sensitivity detection. These changes have resulted in a leap in sensitivity with  signal noise ratio of 2300:1 or higher (water Raman peak). The FP-4025 is an excellent routine fluorescence detector that has a water Raman S/N of 1400:1.

Dual Wavelength Measurement

HPLC Flurorescence Detector
Dual wavelength simultaneous measurement

Both detectors can be used for simultaneous detection at two wavelength pairs; excitation and emission wavelengths can be changed during the acquisition using a time program and automatic spectra scanning can be triggered manually, by time or automatically by threshold. A built-in mercury lamp enables automatic wavelength correction and the front-access design allows easy replacement of the flow cell assembly and light source.

Spectral measurement viewSpectral Scanning

Excitation and emission spectra can be scanned using ChromNAV chromatography data system and can be set to operate, manually, at a specified time or using a threshold trigger.


Individual LC-4000 Series instruments are normally used as part of a complete HPLC system, however for applications (such as adding to a third party system or for a non-LC application) that require stand-alone operation, each instrument has its own keypad and can also be controlled using an RS232 command set, and/or contact closures (TTL) to start and stop the pump.

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