HPLC System 2
This ex-demo HPLC has a quaternary gradient pump with a built-in degasser. It includes an autosampler holding 120 samples and a 4-channel UV detector.
ChromNAV software control is included offering a user-friendly, simple to use interface with the option to ad CFR if needed.
PU-2089S | AS-2059 | MD-2018
Refurburbished UHPLC system
This ex-demo UHPLC has a binary gradient pump, with XLC-3159AS autosampler holding 120 samples and an MD-2018 PDA detector with semi micro flow cell.
ChromNAV software control is included offering a user-friendly, simple to use interface with the option to and CFR if needed.
X-LC-3000BS | 2x X-LC-3085PU | -LC 31080MX Mixer | X-LC-3159AS