Distinct classes of red/far-red photochemistry within the phytochrome superfamily

July 28, 2017


Distinct classes of red/far-red photochemistry within the phytochrome superfamily


Nathan C. Rockwell, Lixia Shang, Shelley S. Martin, J. Clark Lagarias






Phytochromes are a widespread family of photosensory proteins first discovered in plants, which measure the ratio of red to far-red light to control many aspects of growth and development. Phytochromes interconvert between red-absorbing Pr and far-redabsorbing Pfr states via photoisomerization of a covalently-bound linear tetrapyrrole (bilin) chromophore located in a conserved photosensory core. From recent crystal structures of this core region, it has been inferred that the chromophore structures of Pr and Pfr are conserved in most phytochromes. Using circular dichroism spectroscopy and ab initio calculations, we establish that the Pfr states of the biliverdin-containing bacteriophytochromes DrBphP and PaBphP are structurally dissimilar from those of the phytobilincontaining cyanobacterial phytochrome Cph1. This conclusion is further supported by chromophore substitution experiments using semisynthetic bilin monoamides, which indicate that the propionate side chains perform different functional roles in the 2 classes of phytochromes. We propose that different directions of bilin D-ring rotation account for these distinct classes of red/far-red photochemistry.




Circular dichroism, Stereochemistry, Biochemistry