Unfolding dynamics of cytochrome c revealed by single-molecule and ensemble-averaged spectroscopy
Jungkweon Choi, Sooyeon Kim, Takashi Tachikawa, Mamoru Fujitsuka, Tetsuro Majima
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Denaturant-induced conformational change of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c (Cytc) has been comprehensively investigated in the single-molecule and bulk phases. By fluorescence-quenching experiments with dye-labelled heme-protein (Alexa 488-labelled Cytc, Cytc-A488), we clearly show that the fluorescence quenching observed from folded Cytc-A488 is due mainly to photoinduced electron transfer (PET) between electron-donating amino acids such astryptophan and the dye attached to the protein. In addition, the unfolding process of Cytc-A488 observed in the single-molecule and bulk phases can be explained well in terms of a three-state model: Cytc unfolds through an intermediate with a native-like compactness. By quantitative analysis of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) data, we were able to observe a relaxation time of ∼1.5 μs corresponding to segmental motion and fast folding dynamics of 55 μs in the unfolded state of Cytc. The results presented here also suggest that a combination of single-molecule and ensemble-averaged spectroscopy is necessary to provide convincing and comprehensive assignments of protein kinetics.
Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Biochemistry