Zeaxanthin and echinenone modify the structure of photosystem I trimer in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

July 28, 2017


Zeaxanthin and echinenone modify the structure of photosystem I trimer in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803


Sindhujaa Vajravel, Mihály Kis, Kinga Kłodawska, Hajnalka Laczko-Dobos, Przemysław Malec, László Kovács, Zoltán Gombos, Tunde N. Toth




Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics


The function of xanthophylls in the organisation and structure of the photosynthetic complexes is not completely clarified yet. Recently, we observed a reduced level of the photosystem oligomers upon xanthophyll deficiency, although xanthophylls are not considered to be part of the photosynthetic complexes of cyanobacteria. The present study aimed at further investigating the relationship between xanthophylls and photosytem I (PSI) complex in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Interestingly, we recorded the presence of echinenone and zeaxanthin in the isolated PSI trimers. These two xanthophyll species are amongst the most abundant xanthophylls in this cyanobacterial species. Various xanthophyll biosynthesis mutants were used to investigate the specific role of these xanthophylls. Our spectroscopic results revealed specific structural changes manifested in altered pigment-pigment or pigment-protein interactions within PSI complex in the absence of zeaxanthin and echinenone. These structural modifications of the complexes seem to destabilise the PSI trimeric complexes and eventually result in an increased propensity for monomerization. Our results clearly demonstrate that xanthophylls are important for the fine-tuning of the PSI trimer structure. These xanthophylls could be part of the complex or be embedded in the membrane in the vicinity of PSI.




Circular dichroism, Visible region, Biochemistry