Sequence specific recognition of HIV-1 dsDNA in the large amount of normal dsDNA based upon nicking enzyme signal amplification and triplex DNA

July 28, 2017


Sequence specific recognition of HIV-1 dsDNA in the large amount of normal dsDNA based upon nicking enzyme signal amplification and triplex DNA


Houya Zhu, Manjun Zhang, Li Zou, Ruimin Li, Liansheng Ling






A sensitive fluorescent strategy for sequence specific recognition of HIV dsDNA was established based upon Nicking Enzyme Signal Amplification (NESA) and triplex formation. dsDNA sequence from the site 7960 to site 7991 of the HIV1 dsDNA gene was designed as target dsDNA, which was composed of two complementary strands Oligonucleotide 1 with the sequence of 3′-CTT CCT TAT CTT CTT CTT CCA CCT CTC TCT CT-5′ (Oligo-1) and Oligonucleotide 2 with the sequence of 5′-GAA GGA ATA GAA GAA GAA GGT GGA GAG AGA GA-3′ (Oligo-2). As a proof of concept, Oligonucleotide 5′-6-FAM-GAG GTG GAG CTG CGC GAC TCC TCC TCT CTC TCT CTC CAC CTC-BHQ-1–3′(Oligo-4) acted as molecular beacon(MB) probe, Oligonucleotide 5′-CTT CCT TAT CTT CTT CTT CCA AAA GGA GTC GCG-3′ (Oligo-7) acted as assistant probe. In the presence of target dsDNA, Oligo-4 and Oligo-7 hybridized with target dsDNA through triplex formation and formed Y-shaped structure, NESA occurred with further addition of Nt.BbvCI, accompanied with the release of fluorescent DNA fragment circularly, resulted in the increase of fluorescence intensity. Under the optimum conditions, the fluorescence intensity was linear with the concentration of target dsDNA over the range from 100 pM to 200 nM, the linear regression equation was I = 1.266 C + 84.3 (C: nmol/L, R2 = 0.991), with a detection limit of 65 pM. Moreover, the effect of coexisted other dsDNA was investigated as well, and satisfactory results were obtained.




Circular dichroism, DNA structure, Chemical stability, Biochemistry