Safranal Inhibits HeLa Cell Viability by Perturbing the Reassembly Potential of Microtubules

May 22, 2018


Safranal Inhibits HeLa Cell Viability by Perturbing the Reassembly Potential of Microtubules


Sanith Cheriyamundath, Sinjan Choudhary, Manu Lopus




Phytotherapy Research


Saffron, a spice from Crocus sativus, has been known for its health benefits and medicinal properties. Safranal is a component of saffron and is known for its antioxidant and anticancer properties. In this study, we elucidated a possible tubulin-targeted antiproliferative mechanism of action of safranal. In vitro, the compound perturbed secondary structure of tubulin without altering net microtubule polymer mass. It inhibited HeLa cell viability in a concentration-dependent manner, with minimal damage to cellular microtubules. However, it strongly inhibited recovery of microtubule network after cold-induced disassembly, indicating its ability to interfere with the nucleation potential of tubulin. Further, as the acetylation pattern of the safranal-treated microtubules revealed, unlike many tubulin-targeted agents, the compound did not appear to induce persistent stabilization of microtubules. Our data shows an unusual, tubulin-targeted antiproliferative mechanism of safranal.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Chemical stability, Biochemistry