Pyrene – cyanine conjugates as multipurpose fluorescent probes for non-covalent recognition of ds-DNA, RNA and proteins.

May 22, 2018


Pyrene – cyanine conjugates as multipurpose fluorescent probes for non-covalent recognition of ds-DNA, RNA and proteins.


Tamara Šmidlehner, Marko Badovinac, Ivo Piantanida




New Journal of Chemistry


Two novel conjugates of pyrene and cyanine were constructed by linking them with the rigid triazole-peptide linker. New probes bind very strongly (with 0.1 µM affinity) to both, ds-DNA(RNA) and proteins (BSA), giving significantly different fluorimetric response: strong pyrene emission change highly selective for protein and “switch-on” of cyanine fluorescence highly selective for DNA(RNA). Moreover, new probes yield induced CD bands only with DNA/RNA, but not with BSA, which allowed independent check of DNA presence in DNA/protein mixtures. Furthermore, probes contain FRET pair of chromophores, whereby FRET is silent in a free molecule solution and activated by binding small molecule to biomacromolecular target. The efficiency of the FRET is to some extent related to the secondary structure of DNA/RNA and only for one of the probes FRET is activated in protein. Two probes show distinctively different induced CD pattern in 400-600 nm range (attributed to a different position of linker attachment on cyanine core), allowing differentiation between various secondary structures of DNA or RNA, showed to be additionally enhanced by combining pyrene and cyanine in one molecule. Due to low cytotoxicity and efficient cellular uptake, probes are good candidates for further biological studies.




Circular dichroism, Induced circular dichroism, DNA structure, RNA structure, Ligand binding, Biochemistry, Materials