High yield bacterial expression, purification and characterisation of bioactive Human Tousled-like Kinase 1B involved in cancer

May 22, 2018


High yield bacterial expression, purification and characterisation of bioactive Human Tousled-like Kinase 1B involved in cancer


Siddhant Bhoir, Althaf Shaik, Vijay Thiruvenkatam, Sivapriya Kirubakaran




Scientific Reports


Human Tousled-like kinases (TLKs) are highly conserved serine/threonine protein kinases responsible for cell proliferation, DNA repair, and genome surveillance. Their possible involvement in cancer via efficient DNA repair mechanisms have made them clinically relevant molecular targets for anticancer therapy. Innovative approaches in chemical biology have played a key role in validating the importance of kinases as molecular targets. However, the detailed understanding of the protein structure and the mechanisms of protein–drug interaction through biochemical and biophysical techniques demands a method for the production of an active protein of exceptional stability and purity on a large scale. We have designed a bacterial expression system to express and purify biologically active, wild-type Human Tousled-like Kinase 1B (hTLK1B) by co-expression with the protein phosphatase from bacteriophage λ. We have obtained remarkably high amounts of the soluble and homogeneously dephosphorylated form of biologically active hTLK1B with our unique, custom-built vector design strategy. The recombinant hTLK1B can be used for the structural studies and may further facilitate the development of new TLK inhibitors for anti-cancer therapy using a structure-based drug design approach.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Protein folding, Biochemistry