Effect of hydroxyl radical‐induced oxidation on the structure and heat‐induced gel properties of ovalbumin

May 22, 2018


Effect of hydroxyl radical‐induced oxidation on the structure and heat‐induced gel properties of ovalbumin


Fang Geng, Yang Huang, Qun Huang, Dan He, Shugang Li, Meihu Ma




Journal of Food Processing and Preservation


The present study is aimed to investigate the effect of hydroxyl radical‐induced oxidation on the structure and gel properties of chicken ovalbumin. With the increase in oxidation time and H2O2 dose, the carbonyl content in ovalbumin increased, while the free sulfhydryl content decreased. The effect of oxidation on the structure of ovalbumin was examined, and the results indicated that the disorder level increased. Oxidation of ovalbumin lowered the solubility, and the viscosity of the solution decreased significantly. Oxidation weakened the water holding capacity and gel hardness, as well as resulting in significant changes in the microstructure of ovalbumin gels. Hydroxyl radical‐induced oxidation caused destabilization of the ovalbumin structure, thereby affecting the heat‐induced gel properties.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Chemical stability, Biochemistry, Food science