The Cucurbit[7]Uril-Based Supramolecular Chemistry for Reversible B/Z-DNA Transition

August 13, 2018


The Cucurbit[7]Uril-Based Supramolecular Chemistry for Reversible B/Z-DNA Transition


Shao-Ru Wang, Jia-Qi Wang, Guo-Hua Xu, Lai Wei, Bo-Shi Fu, Ling-Yu Wu, Yan-Yan Song, Xi-Ran Yang, Conggang Li, Si-Min Liu, Xiang Zhou




Advanced Science


As a left-handed helical structure, Z-DNA is biologically active and it may be correlated with transcription and genome stability. Until recently, it remained a significant challenge to control the B/Z-DNA transition under physiological conditions. The current study represents the first to reversibly control B/Z-DNA transition using cucurbit[7]uril-based supramolecular approach. It is demonstrated that cucurbit[7]uril can encapsulate the central butanediamine moiety [HN(CH2)4NH] and reverses Z-DNA caused by spermine back to B-DNA. The subsequent treatment with 1-adamantanamine disassembles the cucurbit[7]uril/spermine complex and readily induces reconversion of B- into Z-DNA. The DNA conformational change is unequivocally demonstrated using different independent methods. Direct evidence for supramolecular interactions involved in DNA conformational changes is further provided. These findings can therefore open a new route to control DNA helical structure in a reversible way.




Circular dichroism, DNA structure, Chemical stability, Thermal stability, Biochemistry