Multiple layer formation of bovine serum albumin on silver nanoparticles revealed by dynamic light scattering and spectroscopic techniques

August 13, 2018


Multiple layer formation of bovine serum albumin on silver nanoparticles revealed by dynamic light scattering and spectroscopic techniques


Manik Waghmare, Bipin Khade, Pradip Chaudhari, Prabhakar Dongre




Journal of Nanoparticle Research


It is well known that when nanoparticles (NPs) are exposed to biological fluid, it results into formation of nanoparticle protein corona, which has been the subject of extensive studies for the development of targeted drug delivery. In this work, we demonstrated the dynamic light scattering, fluorescence, and UV-visible spectroscopy as quantitative and qualitative tools to monitor adsorption of BSA protein onto silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The adsorption resulted in significant gradual increase in average hydrodynamic radius of BSA-AgNP corona from 24 to 35 nm and its attainment of equilibrium point (saturation) that correlated with albumin concentration enables condition for bound and unbound protein adsorption to be interpreted. Using DLS, the dissociation constant (KD) was obtained for soft corona to be 2.09 ± 0.30 μM. The UV-visible and fluorescence spectroscopy results were correlated with DLS. Loss of percent helicity in secondary structure of adsorbed BSA was monitored in both coronas as compared to native protein. Both coronas were found to be biocompatible with RBC membrane. Further, the results of adsorption isotherm model were used to validate the multilayer formation of albumin protein on silver nanoparticles. The obtained results would be relevant in the drug design development for tumor-targeted therapy.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Chemical stability, Ligand binding, Nanostructures, Materials, Biochemistry