Structural basis of exo-β-mannanase activity in the GH2 family

August 13, 2018


Structural basis of exo-β-mannanase activity in the GH2 family


Mariane Noronha Domingues, Flavio Henrique Moreira Souza, Plínio Salmazo Vieira, Mariana Abrahão Bueno de Morais, Letícia Maria Zanphorlin, Camila Ramos dos Santos, Renan Augusto Siqueira Pirolla, Rodrigo Vargas Honorato, Paulo Sergio Lopes de Oliveira, Fabio Cesar Gozzo, Mário Tyago Murakami




Journal of Biological Chemistry


The classical microbial strategy for depolymerization of β-mannan-containing polysaccharides involves the synergistic action of at least two enzymes, endo-1,4-β-mannanases and β-mannosidases. In this work, we describe the first exo-β-mannanase from the GH2 family, isolated from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri(XacMan2A), which can efficiently hydrolyze both manno-oligosaccharides (MOS) and β-mannan into mannose. It represents a valuable process simplification in the microbial carbon uptake that could be of potential industrial interest. Biochemical assays revealed a progressive increase in the hydrolysis rates from mannobiose to mannohexaose, which distinguishes XacMan2A from the known GH2 β-mannosidases. Crystallographic analysis indicates that the active site topology of XacMan2A underwent profound structural changes at the positive-subsite region, by the removal of the physical barrier canonically observed in GH2 β-mannosidases, generating a more open and accessible active site with additional productive positive subsites. Besides that, XacMan2A contains two residue substitutions in relation to typical GH2 β-mannosidases, Gly439 and Gly556,which alter the active site volume and are essential to its mode of action. Interestingly, the only other mechanistically characterized mannose-releasing exo-β-mannanase so far is from GH5 family and its mode of action was attributed to the emergence of a blocking loop at the negative-subsite region of a cleft-like active site, whereas in XacMan2A, the same activity can be explained by the removal of steric barriers at the positive-subsite region in an originally pocket-like active site. Therefore, the GH2 exo-β-mannanase represents a distinct molecular route to this rare activity, expanding our knowledge about functional convergence mechanisms in Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes (CAZymes).




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Thermal stability, Thermodynamics, Protein denaturation, Protein folding, Biochemistry