Cluster exchange reactivity of [2Fe–2S] cluster-bridged complexes of BOLA3 with monothiol glutaredoxins

October 11, 2018


Cluster exchange reactivity of [2Fe–2S] cluster-bridged complexes of BOLA3 with monothiol glutaredoxins


Sambuddha Sen, Brian Rao, Christine Wachnowsky, J. A. Cowan






The [2Fe–2S] cluster-bridged complex of BOLA3 with GLRX5 has been implicated in cluster trafficking, but cluster exchange involving this heterocomplex has not been reported. Herein we describe an investigation of the cluster exchange reactivity of holo BOLA3–GLRX complexes using two different monothiol glutaredoxins, H.s. GLRX5 and S.c. Grx3, which share significant identity. We observe that a 1 : 1 mixture of apo BOLA3 and glutaredoxin protein is able to accept a cluster from donors such as ISCU and a [2Fe–2S](GS)4 complex, with preferential formation of the cluster-bridged heterodimer over the plausible holo homodimeric glutaredoxin. Holo BOLA3–GLRX5 transfers clusters to apo acceptors at rates comparable to other Fe–S cluster trafficking proteins. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments with apo proteins demonstrated a strong binding of BOLA3 with both GLRX5 and Grx3, while binding with an alternative mitochondrial partner, NFU1, was weak. Cluster exchange and calorimetry experiments resulted in a very similar behavior for yeast Grx3 (cytosolic) and human GLRX5 (mitochondrial), indicating conservation across the monothiol glutaredoxin family for interactions with BOLA3 and supporting a functional role for the BOLA3–GLRX5 heterocomplex relative to the previously proposed BOLA3–NFU1 interaction. The results also demonstrate rapid formation of the heterocomplexed holo cluster via delivery from a glutathione-complexed cluster, again indicative of the physiological relevance of the [2Fe–2S](GS)4 complex in the cellular labile iron pool.




Circular dichroism, Protein binding, Protein structure, Inorganic chemistry, Biochemistry