Effect of the Chirality of Counter Anions on the Vapochromic Behavior of Luminescent Pt(II) Complexes

April 9, 2019


Effect of the Chirality of Counter Anions on the Vapochromic Behavior of Luminescent Pt(II) Complexes


Yasuhiro Shigeta, Atsushi Kobayashi, Masaki Yoshida, Masako Kato




European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry


New luminescent Pt(II) complexes with the chiral counter anions [PtCl(tpy)](L‐Hta) (1‐L) and [PtCl(tpy)](DL‐Hta) (1‐DL; tpy = 2,2’:6’,2’’‐terpyridine; L‐H2ta = L‐tartaric acid; DL‐H2ta = racemic tartaric acid) were synthesized and their vapochromic behavior evaluated. Single crystal X‐ray analysis revealed that the stacked square‐planar Pt(II) molecules in anhydrous 1‐DL formed a one‐dimensional columnar structure with weak intermolecular Pt…Pt interactions, while in anhydrous 1‐L the Pt(II) molecules were dimerized with Pt–Pt interactions to form a zig‐zag stacked column. These differences were attributed to the different hydrogen bonding in the DL‐ and L‐Hta‐ ions. The dihydrates of 1‐DL and 1‐L displayed near‐identical crystal structures with comparable emission spectra derived from 3π–π* ligand emissions. Both dihydrates exhibited MeOH‐vapor‐induced dehydration to form the anhydrous complexes. These presented broad 3MMLCT emissions (549 and 565 nm, respectively), affected by the degree of intermolecular Pt…Pt interactions.


J-820, FP-8600


Circular dichroism, Chemical stability, Inorganic chemistry, Fluorescence