Effect of Crotalus basiliscus snake venom on the redox reaction of myoglobin

April 9, 2019


Effect of Crotalus basiliscus snake venom on the redox reaction of myoglobin


Ticyano P. de Souza, Dieric S. Abreu, Marta S. P. Carepo, Maria A. S. Silva, Dávila Zampieri, Marcos N. Eberlin, Tércio F. Paulo, Eduardo H. S. Sousa, Elisane Longhinotti, Izaura C. N. Diógenes




Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry


In this work, we have studied the effect of Crotalus basiliscus snake venom on the redox reaction of myoglobin (Mb), and by means of electrochemical techniques, we have shown that this reaction is undoubtedly affected following the interaction with the venom. Surface plasmon resonance, electrophoresis, UV–Vis, and circular dichroism showed that the interaction involves the attachment of some constituent of the venom to the protein, although not affecting its first and secondary structures. Mass spectra support this suggestion by showing the appearance of signals assigned to the Mb dimer and to a new species resulting from the interaction between Mb and the venom proteins. In addition, the mass spectra suggest the aromatic amino acids of myoglobin, mainly tryptophan and phenylalanine, are more exposed to the solvent medium upon the exposure to the venom solution. The results altogether indicate that the harmful effects of the venom of Crotalus basiliscus snake are likely connected to the blocking of the redox site of Mb.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Tertiary structure, Soret region, Protein folding, Chemical stability, Biochemistry