Chaperone‐like activity of the N‐terminal region of a human small heat shock protein and chaperone‐functionalized nanoparticles

April 9, 2019


Chaperone‐like activity of the N‐terminal region of a human small heat shock protein and chaperone‐functionalized nanoparticles


Emily F. Gliniewicz, Kelly M. Chambers, Elizabeth R. De Leon, Diana Sibai, Helen C. Campbell, Kathryn A. McMenimen




Protein: Structure, Function, Bioinformatics


Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are molecular chaperones employed to interact with a diverse range of substrates as the first line of defense against cellular protein aggregation. The N‐terminal region (NTR) is implicated in defining features of sHsps; notably in their ability to form dynamic and polydisperse oligomers, and chaperone activity. The physiological relevance of oligomerization and chemical‐scale mode(s) of chaperone function remain undefined. We present novel chemical tools to investigate chaperone activity and substrate specificity of human HspB1 (B1NTR), through isolation of B1NTR and development of peptide‐conjugated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). We demonstrate that B1NTR exhibits chaperone capacity for some substrates, determined by anti‐aggregation assays and size‐exclusion chromatography. The importance of protein dynamics and multivalency on chaperone capacity was investigated using B1NTR‐conjugated AuNPs, which exhibit concentration‐dependent chaperone activity for some substrates. Our results implicate sHsp NTRs in chaperone activity, and demonstrate the therapeutic potential of sHsp‐AuNPs in rescuing aberrant protein aggregation.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Biochemistry