Control of the conversion between circularly polarized photons and spin by introducing chiral orbit in organic complexes
Renijie Hu, Wei Qin
NPG Asia Materials
Spin tunability by circularly polarized photons occurs in an unconnected method, providing more spaces to design memory devices. Here, by involving an artificially fabricated organic chiral structure, we let circularly polarized photons interact with the electron spins of organic materials. The spiral potential field of the chiral structure can endow electrons with additional orbital angular momentum to realize coupling between circularly polarized photons and electron spins. Switching the incident light from linearly to circularly polarized light, while keeping the intensity constant, results in the magnetic field-decreased photoluminescence changing to magnetic field-enhanced photoluminescence. Because the interaction between right-handed circularly polarized photons and chiral lattices is stronger in the fabricated chiral complexes, tuning photoluminescence by a magnetic field is more pronounced under the stimulus of right-handed circularly polarized light. In addition, applying an external bias and changing the temperature of organic chiral complexes are tested to further study the conversion between circularly polarized photons and spins. It is expected that this study could help us to further understand the coupling between spins and circularly polarized photons in organic chiral materials.
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circularly polirized photons, chiral structure