High Speed Separation of Glycyrrhizin Utilizing UHPLC
August 18, 2022
Glycyrrhizin is the main component of liquorice root and is used as a flavoring in candies, pharmaceuticals and tobacco products.
We examined the applicability of an X-PressPak C18S column (2.1 mm I.D. x 50 mm L.) packed with 2 µm diameter packing material for the ultra-high speed separation of glycyrrhizin. The results were examined to determine whether the performance of the column and chromatography separation exceeds those of conventional HPLC.
The chromatography system utilized in this experiment was a JASCO X-LC system consisting of a 3185PU pump, 3080DG degasser, 3067CO column oven, 3070UV UV/Vis detector, 3059AS auto sampler and a chromatography data system.
Figure 1 shows the separation of a standard mixture of glycyrrhizin (0.25 mg/mL) and propyl paraben (0.05 mg/mL).
The X-LC system provides an analysis time 10 times shorter than conventional HPLC while the reproducibility of the peak ratio is 0.16%.These results well exceed those of conventional HPLC.

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High Speed Separation of Glycyrrhizin Utilizing UHPLC
Glycyrrhizin is the main component of liquorice root and is used as a flavoring in candies, pharmaceuticals and tobacco products.
We examined the applicability of an X-PressPak C18S column (2.1 mm I.D. x 50 mm L.) packed with 2 µm diameter packing material for the ultra-high speed separation of glycyrrhizin. The results were examined to determine whether the performance of the column and chromatography separation exceeds those of conventional HPLC.
The chromatography system utilized in this experiment was a JASCO X-LC system consisting of a 3185PU pump, 3080DG degasser, 3067CO column oven, 3070UV UV/Vis detector, 3059AS auto sampler and a chromatography data system.
Figure 1 shows the separation of a standard mixture of glycyrrhizin (0.25 mg/mL) and propyl paraben (0.05 mg/mL).
The X-LC system provides an analysis time 10 times shorter than conventional HPLC while the reproducibility of the peak ratio is 0.16%.These results well exceed those of conventional HPLC.