α-Chymotrypsin activated and stabilized by self-assembled polypseudorotaxane fabricated with bis-thiolated poly(ethylene glycol) and α-cyclodextrin: spectroscopic and mechanistic analysis

July 28, 2017


α-Chymotrypsin activated and stabilized by self-assembled polypseudorotaxane fabricated with bis-thiolated poly(ethylene glycol) and α-cyclodextrin: spectroscopic and mechanistic analysis


Jun Zhao, Ji-Duan Lin, Jia-Chen Chen, Guo Chen, Xia-Lan Li, Xiao-Qin Wang, Ming-Xia Chen




International Journal of Biological Macromolecules


The self-assembled polypseudorotaxane (PPRX) fabricated with bis-thiolated poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and α-cyclodextrin (α-CyD) acted as an activator for α-chymotrypsin (CT) and retained the activity of CT for a long time up to 7 days. The stabilization mechanism was studied, and the interaction between CT and PPRX was analyzed by using circular dichroism, fluorescence spectra and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). The bis-thiolated PEG and its assembled PPRX with α-CyD exhibited the interaction with the C-terminal region of the CT’s B-chain probably through PEGylation of the surface disulfide bridge of CT. It caused the aromatic chromophores more exposed to the hydrophilic microenvironment, leading to conformational variation of CT that was revealed by spectroscopic analysis. It rendered the peptide chains in a more flexible and active state. As a comparison, the non-thiolated components could not decorate the surface of CT and performed almost no effect on its stability, which demonstrated that the decoration of the surface disulfide bridge was a key factor in retaining the activity of CT. Due to the activation and stabilization effect, bis-thiolated PEG/α-CyD PPRX was an excellent soft-immobilized carrier for CT, and provided an intriguing method for enzyme’s stabilization.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Chemical stability, Tertiary structure, Biochemistry