A novel role of C-terminus in introducing a functionally flexible structure critical for the biological activity of botulinum neurotoxin

August 13, 2018


A novel role of C-terminus in introducing a functionally flexible structure critical for the biological activity of botulinum neurotoxin


Thomas M. Feltrup, Kruti Patel, Raj Kumar, Shuowei Cai, Bal Ram Singh




Scientific Reports


Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) is responsible for botulism, a clinical condition resulting in flaccid muscle paralysis and potentially death. The light chain is responsible for its intracellular toxicity through its endopeptidase activity. Available crystal structures of BoNT/A light chains (LCA) are based on various truncated versions (tLCA) of the full-length LCA (fLCA) and do not necessarily reflect the true structure of LCA in solution. The understanding of the mechanism of action, longevity of intoxication, and an improved development of endopeptidase inhibitors are dependent on first having a better insight into the structure of LCA in solution. Using an array of biophysical techniques, we report that the fLCA structure is significantly more flexible than tLCA in solution, which may be responsible for its dramatically higher enzymatic activity. This seems to be achieved by a much stronger, more rapid binding to substrate (SNAP-25) of the fLCA compared to tLCA. These results suggest that the C-terminus of LCA plays a critical role in introducing a flexible structure, which is essential for its biological function. This is the first report of such a massive structural role of the C-terminus of a protein being critical for maintaining a functional state.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Tertiary structure, Thermal stability, Biochemistry