Bioactivity of the putative apelin proprotein expands the repertoire of apelin receptor ligands

July 28, 2017


Bioactivity of the putative apelin proprotein expands the repertoire of apelin receptor ligands


Kyungsoo Shin, Nigel A. Chapman, Muzaddid Sarker, Calem A. Kenward, Shuya K. Huang, Nathan Weatherbee-Martin, Aditya Pandey, Denis J. Dupré, Jan K. Rainey




Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects


Apelin is a peptide ligand for a class A G-protein coupled receptor called the apelin receptor (AR or APJ) that regulates angiogenesis, the adipoinsular axis, and cardiovascular functions. Apelin has been shown to be bioactive as 13, 17, and 36 amino acid isoforms, C-terminal fragments of the putatively inactive 55-residue proprotein (proapelin or apelin-55). Although intracellular proprotein processing has been proposed, isolation of apelin-55 from colostrum demonstrates potential for secretion prior to processing and the possibility of proapelin-AR interaction. Apelin isoform activity and potency were compared by an In-Cell Western™ assay for ERK phosphorylation using a stably AR-transfected HEK293A cell line. Conformational comparison of apelin isoforms was carried out by cicrular dichroism and heteronuclear solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Apelin-55 is shown to activate the AR, with similar maximum ERK phophorylation response and potency to the shorter isoforms except for apelin-13, which exhibited a greater potency. Correlating to this shared activity, highly similar conformations are exhibited in all apelin isoforms for the shared C-terminal region responsible for receptor binding and activation. AR activation by all apelin isoforms likely hinges upon shared conformation and dynamics in the C-terminus, with apelin-55 providing an alternative bioactive isoform despite the addition of 19 N-terminal residues relative to apelin-36.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Biochemistry