Can γ-radiation modulate hemagglutinating and anticoagulant activities of PpyLL, a lectin from Phthirusa pyrifolia?

July 28, 2017


Can γ-radiation modulate hemagglutinating and anticoagulant activities of PpyLL, a lectin from Phthirusa pyrifolia?


Romero M.P.B. Costa, Wendell Wagner Campos Albuquerque, Mariana C.C. Silva, Raiana Apolinário de Paula, Mychely Sheila Melo, Maria L.V. Oliva, Ana Lúcia Figueiredo Porto




International Journal of Biological Macromolecules


Blood coagulation and platelet-dependent primary homeostasis are important defense mechanisms against bleeding and novel inhibitors have been researched to obtain pharmacological and clinical applications. In this work, the PpyLL, a lectin obtained from Phthirusa pyrifolia, was characterized in terms of its molecular structure and biological functions (anticoagulant, antiplatelet agreggation and hemagglutinating activities) in presence or absence of Gamma radiation exposure. Results revealed a lectin with secondary-structure content by approximately 49% of β-sheet, 20% of β-turn and 31% of disordered structure. Irradiation effect demonstrated possible different sites of function by lectin on anticoagulant and hemagglutinating activities, once a decrease about 80% was observed when compared the activities under 0.5 kGy of exposition to gamma radiation. An emphatic discussion about the use of gamma radiation as a possible modulator of the lectin activity was made, and once the ionizing radiation affected differently the anticoagulation and hemagglutinating activities, we speculated that the results are determined by selective molecular damages in different binding sites. PpyLL biological activities and gamma radiation modulation could be considered for future researches in biomedical field aiming possible medical applications.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Biochemistry