Diabetic wound regeneration using heparin-mimetic peptide amphiphile gel in db/db mice

July 28, 2017


Diabetic wound regeneration using heparin-mimetic peptide amphiphile gel in db/db mice


Berna Senturk, Burak M Demircan, Alper D Ozkan, Sehmus Tohumeken, Tuncay Delibasi, Mustafa O. Guler, Ayse Begum Tekinay




Biomaterials Science


There is an urgent need for more efficient treatment for chronic wounds in diabetic patients especially with high risk of leg amputations. Biomaterials capable of presenting extracellular matrix-mimetic signals may assist in the recovery of diabetic wounds by creating a more conducive environment for blood vessel formation and modulating the immune system. In the previous study, we showed that glycosaminoglycan-mimetic peptide nanofibers are able to increase the rate of closure in STZ-induced diabetic rats by induction of angiogenesis. The present study investigates the effect of a heparin-mimetic peptide amphiphile (PA) nanofiber gel on full-thickness excisional wounds in a db/db diabetic mouse model, with emphasis on the ability of the PA nanofiber network to regulate angiogenesis and the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Here, we showed that heparin-mimetic PA gel can support tissue neovascularization, enhance the deposition of collagen and expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), and eliminate the sustained presence of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in the diabetic wound site. As the absence of neovascularization and overexpression of pro-inflammatory markers are a hallmark of diabetes and interferes with wound recovery by preventing the healing process, the heparin-mimetic PA treatment is a promising candidate for acceleration of diabetic wound healing by modulating angiogenesis and local immune response.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Nanostructures, Materials, Biochemistry