Direct Conversion of an Enzyme from Native-like to Amyloid-like Aggregates within Inclusion Bodies

October 11, 2018


Direct Conversion of an Enzyme from Native-like to Amyloid-like Aggregates within Inclusion Bodies


Francesco Elia, Francesca Cantini, Fabrizio Chiti, Christopher Martin Dobson, Francesco Bemporad




Biophysical Journal


The acylphosphatase from Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso AcP) is a globular protein able to aggregate in vitro from a native-like conformational ensemble without the need for a transition across the major unfolding energy barrier. This process leads to the formation of assemblies in which the protein retains its native-like structure, which subsequently convert into amyloid-like aggregates. Here, we investigate the mechanism by which Sso AcP aggregates in vivo to form bacterial inclusion bodies after expression in E. coli. Shortly after the initiation of expression, Sso AcP is incorporated into inclusion bodies as a native-like protein, still exhibiting small but significant enzymatic activity. Additional experiments revealed that this overall process of aggregation is enhanced by the presence of the unfolded N-terminal region of the sequence and by destabilization of the globular segment of the protein. At later times, the Sso AcP molecules in the inclusion bodies lose their native-like properties and convert into β-sheet-rich amyloid-like structures, as indicated by their ability to bind thioflavin T and Congo red. These results show that the aggregation behavior of this protein is similar in vivo to that observed in vitro, and that, at least for a predominant part of the protein population, the transition from a native to an amyloid-like structure occurs within the aggregate state.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Protein folding, Chemical stability, Protein denaturation, Thermodynamics, Biochemistry