Dynamic Plasmonic System That Responds to Thermal and Aptamer-Target Regulations

April 9, 2019


Dynamic Plasmonic System That Responds to Thermal and Aptamer-Target Regulations


Chao Zhou, Ling Xin, Xiaoyang Duan, Maximilian J. Urban, and Na Liu




Nano Letters


The DNA origami technique has empowered a new paradigm in plasmonics for manipulating light and matter at the nanoscale. This interdisciplinary field has witnessed vigorous growth, outlining a viable route to construct advanced plasmonic architectures with tailored optical properties. However, so far plasmonic systems templated by DNA origami have been restricted to respond to only single stimuli. Despite broad interest and scientific importance, thermal and aptamer-target regulations have not yet been widely utilized to reconfigure three-dimensional plasmonic architectures. In this Letter, we demonstrate a chiral plasmonic nanosystem integrated with split aptamers, which can respond to both thermal and aptamer-target regulations. We show that our dual-responsive system can be noninvasively tuned in a wide range of temperatures, readily correlating thermal control with optical signal changes. Meanwhile, our system can detect specific targets including adenosine triphosphate and cocaine molecules, which further enhance the optical response modulations and in turn influence the thermal tunability.




Circular dichroism, Ligand binding, Thermal stability, Nanostructures, Materials