Insights into the effect and interaction mechanism of bisphenol S on lipids hydrolysis in sludge through multi-spectra, thermodynamics, and molecule docking analysis

October 11, 2018


Insights into the effect and interaction mechanism of bisphenol S on lipids hydrolysis in sludge through multi-spectra, thermodynamics, and molecule docking analysis


Hang Yang, Li Zhang, Guangying Hou, Chunguang Liu




Environmental Science and Pollution Research


As an alternative to bisphenol A, bisphenol S (BPS) is widely used in industrial production and daily life, which is then discharged into sewage treatment plants and accumulates in sludge. In this research, impact and interaction mechanism of BPS on lipids hydrolysis in sludge is studied from the respect of soluble organic matter and volatile organic fatty acids (VFAs). Multi-spectra, thermodynamics, molecule docking, and enzyme activity assay are applied to elucidate the effect mechanism of BPS on lipids hydrolysis. Results show that lipids hydrolysis is restrained due to the denaturation of lipase with BPS exposure. The interaction mechanism is involved in hydrophobic bond and hydrogen bond interaction in the activity region of lipase. This interaction not only results in an unfolding skeleton structure of lipase and a less hydrophobic microenvironment of tyrosine and tryptophan residues but also leads to fluorophore static quenching with the formation of lipase-BPS complex. The experimental results and the combined research methods not only contribute to the development of novel technique for sludge treatment containing micropollutant but also profit to clarify the interaction mechanism between other micropollutant and enzymes.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Chemical stability, Agriculture and environmental, Biochemistry