Investigation of complexation of amlodipine with lysozyme and its effect on lysozyme crystal growth

March 24, 2020


Investigation of complexation of amlodipine with lysozyme and its effect on lysozyme crystal growth


Satish Pawar, Kusaji Raul, Divya Ottoor




Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy


Lysozyme (LYZ) is a model protein frequently employed to study interaction with drugs and to understand the crystallization process of protein due to its small size and rapid crystallization behavior. Studies related to drug interaction and complexation with proteins will be significantly benefited if a suitable drug-lysozyme crystal is available. This can further aid in the understanding of the mechanism of nucleation, growth and the formation of drug-lysozyme complex. In the present study, amlodipine (AMLD) complexation with LYZ has been monitored, along with its effect on lysozyme crystallization. Different spectroscopic methods have been employed to monitor the nature of complexation, binding mode and changes in helix after interaction with AMLD. The absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopic measurement indicated the probability of a ground state complex between LYZ and AMLD. Further, the temperature dependent fluorescence studies showed an increase in binding constant with temperature, suggesting the static quenching mechanism involved in complex formation due to hydrophobic interactions. CD, FTIR, DLS and DSC techniques confirm the probability of changes in the tertiary structure of protein. Molecular docking was applied to investigate the interaction of amino acid residues of LYZ with AMLD. It was found that the complex formation is spontaneous and the ΔG value obtained (-21. 76 kJ/mol) very well matched with temperature dependent fluorescence study (-24.91 kJ/mol). Crystallization of LYZ was performed with different concentration ranges of AMLD to get a clear picture of its interference on the process. The time required for crystallization of AMLD-LYZ complex and the observed structure of crystal indicates that AMLD influences lysozyme crystallization process by changing the nature of nucleation and rate of crystal growth.


FP=8300, J-1500


Fluorescence, Ligand binding, Protein structure, Protein folding, Thermal stability, Thermodynamics, Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Tertiary structure, Biochemistry