Investigation of the Physical and Bioactive Properties of Bromo- and Iodo-Containing Sponge-Derived Compounds Possessing an Oxyphenylethanamine Core

May 22, 2018


Investigation of the Physical and Bioactive Properties of Bromo- and Iodo-Containing Sponge-Derived Compounds Possessing an Oxyphenylethanamine Core


Erin P. McCauley, Hanh Lam, Nicholas Lorig-Roach, Justin Luu, Cameron Lloyd, Karen Tenney, Halina Pietraszkiewicz, Cristina Diaz, Frederick A. Valeriote, Victoria Auerbuch, Phillip Crews




Journal of Natural Products


This research set out to identify compounds from marine sponges that can act as bacterial virulence blockers. Extracts from a total of 80 sponges collected from throughout Indonesia were screened in a high-throughput NF-κB-based screen that identifies compounds capable of inhibiting the bacterial type III secretion system (T3SS) in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. An extract that was shown to inhibit T3SS-driven NF-κB expression was obtained from an Iotrochota cf. iota sponge and was the source of seven new bromo- and iodo-containing compounds, all of which contain a 2-(4-oxyphenyl)ethan-1-amine core. Five were determined to be new compounds and named enisorines A–E (1–5). The remaining two were determined to be new hemibastadinol analogues named (+)-1-O-methylhemibastadinol 2 (6) and (+)-1-O-methylhemibastadinol 4 (7). All seven compounds inhibited T3SS-dependent YopE secretion and did not affect the growth or metabolic activity of Y. pseudotuberculosis. The most potent inhibitors of T3SS activity were enisorine C (3), enisorine E (5), and (+)-1-O-methylhemibastadinol 2 (6), all of which inhibited YopE secretion by >50% at 30 μM.




Circular dichroism, Absolute configuration, Natural products, Medicinal