Modulation of probe-genomic DNA interaction within the confined interior of a reverse micelle: Is the bulk-like properties of water truly achieved in large reverse micelles?

October 11, 2018


Modulation of probe-genomic DNA interaction within the confined interior of a reverse micelle: Is the bulk-like properties of water truly achieved in large reverse micelles?


Aniruddha Ganguly, Bijan K. Paul, Suman Das




International Journal of Biological Macromolecules


The prime motivation of the present study is to explore the reverse micellar confinement effect on the binding interaction of an anthracene-based probe 9-methyl anthroate with herring-sperm DNA. The structural modification of the genomic DNA from its native B-form to the non-native C-form and subsequently to the condensed Ψ-form as a function of the level of hydration (W0, defined as [water] / [surfactant]) of the reverse micellar core is found to reveal a remarkable regulatory role on the stability of the stacking interaction (intercalation) of the probe within the DNA helix; the interaction being progressively stabilized at higher W0. Particularly, a close perusal of the dynamical aspects of the interaction is found to be counter-intuitive to the popular notion of the properties of the confined water within the reverse micelles typically approaching bulk-like properties at sufficiently high hydration levels (W0 > 10).




Circular dichroism, DNA structure, Ligand binding, Chemical stability, Biochemistry