Non-active site mutation (Q123A) in New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM-1) enhanced its enzyme activity

October 11, 2018


Non-active site mutation (Q123A) in New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM-1) enhanced its enzyme activity


Abid Ali, Mohd W. Azam, Asad U. Khan




International Journal of Biological Macromolecules


New Delhi metallo β-lactamase-1 is one of the carbapenemases, causing hydrolysis of almost all β-lactamase antibiotics. Seventeen different NDM variants have been reported so far, they varied in their sequences either by single or multiple amino acid substitutions. Hence, it is important to understand its structural and functional relation. In the earlier studies role of active site residues has been studied but non-active site residues has not studied in detail. Therefore, we have initiated to further comprehend its structure and function relation by mutating some of its non-active site residues. A laboratory mutant of NDM-1 was generated by PCR-based site-directed mutagenesis, replacing Q to A at 123 position. The MICs of imipenem and meropenem for NDM-1Q123A were found increased by 2 fold as compare to wild type and so the hydrolytic activity was enhanced (Kcat/Km) as compared to NDM-1 wild type. GOLD fitness scores were also found in favour of kinetics data. Secondary structure for α-helicalcontent was determined by Far-UV circular dichroism (CD), which showed significant conformational changes. We conclude a noteworthy role of non-active-site amino acid residues in the catalytic activity of NDM-1. This study also provides an insight of emergence of new variants through natural evolution.




Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Biochemistry