Two-step self-assembly of a spider silk molecular clamp

April 9, 2019


Two-step self-assembly of a spider silk molecular clamp


Charlotte Rat, Julia C. Heiby, Jessica P. Bunz, Hannes Neuweiler




Nature Communications


Web spiders synthesize silk fibers of unique strength and extensibility through the controlled self-assembly of protein building blocks, so-called spidroins. The spidroin C-terminal domain is highly conserved and connects two polypeptide chains through formation of an all-helical, intertwined dimer. Here we use contact-induced fluorescence self-quenching and resonance energy transfer in combination with far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy as three orthogonal structural probes to dissect the mechanism of folding and dimerization of a spidroin C-terminal domain from the major ampullate gland of the nursery web spider Euprosthenops australis. We show that helices forming the dimer core assemble very rapidly and fold on association. Subsequently, peripheral helices fold and dock slowly onto the preformed core. Lability of outer helices facilitates formation of a highly expanded, partially folded dimer. The high end-to-end distance of chain termini in the partially folded dimer suggests an extensibility module that contributes to elasticity of spider silk.


J-815, FP-6500, V-650


Circular dichroism, Secondary structure, Protein folding, Protein denaturation, Chemical stability, Thermal stability, Thermodynamics, Stopped-flow, Kinetics, Biochemistry, Fluorescence, Protein structure, FRET