Conformational and lipid bilayer-perturbing properties of Marburg virus GP2 segments containing the fusion loop and membrane-proximal external region/transmembrane domain

2020 / Heliyon

Fusion of host and viral membranes is a crucial step during infection by enveloped viruses. In the structurally-defined “class I″… Continue reading Conformational and lipid bilayer-perturbing properties of Marburg virus GP2 segments containing the fusion loop and membrane-proximal external region/transmembrane domain

Leah Pandiscia, PhD

Unpacking the aggregation-oligomerization-fibrillization process of naturally-occurring hIAPP amyloid oligomers isolated directly from sera of children with obesity or diabetes mellitus

2019 / Scientific Reports

The formation of amyloid oligomers and fibrils of the human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) has been linked with β- cell… Continue reading Unpacking the aggregation-oligomerization-fibrillization process of naturally-occurring hIAPP amyloid oligomers isolated directly from sera of children with obesity or diabetes mellitus

Leah Pandiscia, PhD

Interaction mechanism between α-glucosidase and A-type trimer procyanidin revealed by integrated spectroscopic analysis techniques

2020 / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

α-Glucosidase is an important enzyme in human intestine, and inhibition of its activity can lower blood sugar levels to effectively… Continue reading Interaction mechanism between α-glucosidase and A-type trimer procyanidin revealed by integrated spectroscopic analysis techniques

Leah Pandiscia, PhD

The structure of a prokaryotic feruloyl-CoA hydratase-lyase from a lignin-degrading consortium with high oligomerization stability under extreme pHs

2020 / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics

In the context of increasing demand for renewable alternatives of fuels and chemicals, the valorization of lignin emerges as a… Continue reading The structure of a prokaryotic feruloyl-CoA hydratase-lyase from a lignin-degrading consortium with high oligomerization stability under extreme pHs

Leah Pandiscia, PhD

Structural studies of the MMP-3 interaction with triple-helical collagen introduce new roles for the enzyme in tissue remodelling

2019 / Scientific Reports

Matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) participates in normal extracellular matrix turnover during embryonic development, organ morphogenesis and wound healing, and in tissue-destruction… Continue reading Structural studies of the MMP-3 interaction with triple-helical collagen introduce new roles for the enzyme in tissue remodelling

Leah Pandiscia, PhD

Chemical Syntheses and Biological Evaluation of CXCL14 and Its Site-Selectively Modified Methionine Sulfoxide-Containing Derivatives

2020 / Journal of Organic Chemistry

The access to methionine sulfoxide [Met(O)]-containing proteins is particularly valuable for studying this important type of post-translational modification (PTM). However,… Continue reading Chemical Syntheses and Biological Evaluation of CXCL14 and Its Site-Selectively Modified Methionine Sulfoxide-Containing Derivatives

Leah Pandiscia, PhD

A multi-channel in situ light scattering instrument utilized for monitoring protein aggregation and liquid dense cluster formation

2020 / Heliyon

Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) phenomena have been observed in vitro as well as in vivo and came in focus of interdisciplinary research activities particularly… Continue reading A multi-channel in situ light scattering instrument utilized for monitoring protein aggregation and liquid dense cluster formation

Leah Pandiscia, PhD

Binding of anticancer drug adriamycin to parallel G‐quadruplex DNA [d‐(TTAGGGT)]4 comprising human telomeric DNA leads to thermal stabilization: A multiple spectroscopy study

2019 / Journal of Molecular Recognition

Adriamycin is known to exert its anti cancer action by inhibiting DNA duplication, RNA transcription and topoisomerase‐II enzyme action. Recent… Continue reading Binding of anticancer drug adriamycin to parallel G‐quadruplex DNA [d‐(TTAGGGT)]4 comprising human telomeric DNA leads to thermal stabilization: A multiple spectroscopy study

Leah Pandiscia, PhD