The J-1000 Series of Circular Dichroism spectrophotometers are specifically designed for high sensitivity measurements in the near- and far-UV regions, for scientists that need confidence in the data from characterization studies of biomolecule structure, function, and stability under a wide variety of experimental conditions.
Unlike some detectors which only provide good signal-to-noise for low-absorbing materials, the J-1000 Series circular dichroism spectrophotometers use high dynamic range detectors to obtain high-quality spectra of samples with excellent signal-to-noise, especially for highly absorbing materials found in the far-UV.
Features of the J-1000 Series
- High optical throughput
- Double prism monochromator providing low stray light
- Wide dynamic range PMT detector
- Highly efficient nitrogen purge system
- Digital signal processing
- Simultaneous Multi-Probe: CD, LD, HT, DC, absorbance, fluorescence
Benefits and Accessories
- Compact benchtop design
- Range of precise temperature control accessories
- High-throughput automated CD
- Automated titration and stopped-flow
- Spectra Manager™ software for control and extensive data analysis
- Flexible design allows field upgrades for different measurement capabilities as applications and budgets evolve
Wide Range of Applications
- Protein conformational studies
- Evaluation of secondary and tertiary structure
- Quantitative analysis of pharmaceuticals
- Formulation studies
- Protein folding studies
- DNA/RNA interactions
- Enzyme kinetics
- Purity testing of optically active substances
- Natural products chemistry