The high-throughput circular dichroism (HTCD) measurement system has been developed for use with either the J-1500 or J-1700 CD spectrophotometer. This system can accommodate two 96-well plates (up to 192 samples) with protection at a controlled temperature before measurement. Measurements using predetermined parameters for automated spectral scanning can be made with a Peltier thermostatted flow cell. In addition to CD, LD, and absorbance data, fluorescence can be measured simultaneously (with an optional accessory). Small sample amounts are required and can be recovered back to the microplate after measurement. The post-measurement analysis program allows batch processing of data and includes spectral correlation for quality control and secondary structure estimation.
- Applications include peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, chiral organic components, monoclonal antibodies, etc.
- Micro-plate temperature control
- Automated measurements with Spectra Manager-HTCD software; easily generated measurement sequences, including wavelength scan and temperature scan modes
- Automated data processing