Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) Observation


Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) Observation uses two orthogonally polarized light beams, which interfere to provide contrast in samples that appear flattened when observed with non-polarized white light. For observing a clear sample or a sample with low contrast, the DIC-5000 can accentuate the contrast for improved sample observation. The DIC-5000 can only be used with refractive objective lenses, typically a 10x.

Before Image After Image

Optical Image

DIC Image

Visible Polarization Contrast (VPC) Observation

PL-E-5000 / PL-E-5000FV / PL-E-5000VIS

Visible Polarization Contrast (VPC) Observation uses polarized light to enhance the contrast of samples that are difficult to observe with non-polarized white light, such as birefringent materials, including monocrystals, minerals, and contaminants in polymer films. The use of polarized light dramatically improves the visualization of samples that are difficult to observe using visible light.

Before Image After Image

Optical Image

VPC Image