A Novel Dermaseptin Isolated from the Skin Secretion of Phyllomedusa tarsius and Its Cationicity-Enhanced Analogue Exhibiting Effective Antimicrobial and Anti-Proliferative Activities

2019 / biomolecules

A novel dermaseptin peptide, dermaseptin-PT9 (DPT9), was isolated and identified from Phyllomedusa tarsius by the combination of molecular cloning and LC-MS analysis.… Continue reading A Novel Dermaseptin Isolated from the Skin Secretion of Phyllomedusa tarsius and Its Cationicity-Enhanced Analogue Exhibiting Effective Antimicrobial and Anti-Proliferative Activities

Leah Pandiscia, PhD

Functional characterisation of two ferric-ion coordination modes of TtFbpA, the periplasmic subunit of an ABC-type iron transporter from Thermus thermophilus HB8

2019 / Metallomics

The ferric ion binding protein A of Thermus thermophilus HB8 (TtFbpA) is the periplasmic subunit of an ABC-type iron transporter. Two Fe3+-bound… Continue reading Functional characterisation of two ferric-ion coordination modes of TtFbpA, the periplasmic subunit of an ABC-type iron transporter from Thermus thermophilus HB8

Leah Pandiscia, PhD

Inclusion of a Furin Cleavage Site Enhances Antitumor Efficacy against Colorectal Cancer Cells of Ribotoxin α-Sarcin-or RNase T1-Based Immunotoxins

2019 / Toxins

Immunotoxins are chimeric molecules that combine the specificity of an antibody to recognize and bind tumor antigens with the potency… Continue reading Inclusion of a Furin Cleavage Site Enhances Antitumor Efficacy against Colorectal Cancer Cells of Ribotoxin α-Sarcin-or RNase T1-Based Immunotoxins

Leah Pandiscia, PhD

Staphylococcus aureus evasion proteins EapH1 and EapH2: Residue-level investigation of an alternative binding motif for human neutrophil elastase

2019 / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics

The Staphylococcus aureus Extracellular Adherence Protein (Eap) and its homologs, EapH1 and EapH2, are a family of secreted proteins that potently inhibit the neutrophil… Continue reading Staphylococcus aureus evasion proteins EapH1 and EapH2: Residue-level investigation of an alternative binding motif for human neutrophil elastase

Leah Pandiscia, PhD

Dual mode of binding of anti cancer drug epirubicin to G-quadruplex [d-(TTAGGGT)]4 containing human telomeric DNA sequence induces thermal stabilization

2019 / Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry

Epirubicin exerts its anti cancer action by blocking DNA/RNA synthesis and inhibition of topoisomerase-II enzyme. Recent reports on its influence… Continue reading Dual mode of binding of anti cancer drug epirubicin to G-quadruplex [d-(TTAGGGT)]4 containing human telomeric DNA sequence induces thermal stabilization

Leah Pandiscia, PhD