FUV-103 | Absorbance Measurement Cell Holder
Measure the absorbance or transmittance of a solution sample in a 10-mm rectangular cell.

FHM-104 | High Sensitivity Measurement Cell Holder
Increases measurement sensitivity ~3x by using spherical mirrors directed toward the cell to increase the efficiency of the excitation and emission light. Used with microcells (3mmx3mm or 5mmx5mm) as well as standard 10mmx10 mm pathlength cells.
FSA-105 | 30 Degree Incident Angle Holder for Triangular Cell
Used for measuring samples in a triangular cell that have high absorbance and/or re-absorb fluorescence.

FSA-106 | 30 Degree Incident Angle Holder for Rectangular Cell
Used for measuring samples in a standard rectangular cell that have high absorbance and/or re-absorb fluorescence.
OBF-132 | Optical Fiber Interface

Uses an optical fiber to measure the fluorescence spectrum of samples outside of the sample compartment. Permits measurements of large samples, tracing in vivo reactions, and samples that cannot be accessed by conventional measurement.

EFA-133 | Epifluorescence Unit
Used to measure the epifluorescence of a solid, powder, or liquid sample which may be difficult to fix to a sample stage.