Recorded Webinars
Watch previously recorded webinars and access presentation materials using the links below.
CD Spectroscopy for Experimental Investigation and Verification of Protein Structure in the AlphaFold Era
Guest speaker, Dr. József Kardos, presents a robust methodology for protein structure determination and highlight the crucial role of CD spectroscopy in validating bioinformatics predictions, using numerous examples of disease-related proteins. With desktop or cutting-edge plate reader CD devices, high-throughput experimental validation and protein structure screening become a reality. Moreover, BeStSel is now integrated into Spectra Manager 2.5 of JASCO’s new CD instruments, providing an advanced tool for industry and academia.
Approaches to Enhance Demanding LC & SFC Chiral Separations
As with all separations, enantioselective chromatography can span the gamut from straight forward to highly challenging. Such separations can involve analytical and/or preparative procedures, high throughput or fast separations, complex matrices, unknown synthetic impurities, etc. Often an SFC approach may be preferable for prep but an analytical reversed phase HPLC method is wanted for reaction/product monitoring/quality control. Over the years we have delt with numerous such situations some of which needed interesting or unusual approaches which we hope will become routine in the future. A selection of examples will be given which will involve HPLC, SFC, chiral detection and data processing approaches. The chiral compounds used as examples range from highly unusual/complex to more common entities.
Hierarchically Assembled Bowtie-Shaped Hybrid Metamaterials with a Chirality Continuum
Chirality is a geometrical property described by continuous mathematical functions. However, in chemical disciplines chirality is often treated as a binary left/right characteristic of molecules rather than a continuity of chiral shapes. While being theoretically possible, a family of stable chemical structures with similar shapes and progressively tunable chirality is yet unknown.
In this presentation, we will explore such structures in the form of nanostructured microparticles with anisotropic bowtie shape and widely tunable twist angle, pitch, width, thickness, and length. The self-limited assembly of the bowties enables high synthetic reproducibility, size monodispersity, and computational predictability of their geometries for different assembly conditions. The bowtie nanoassemblies display multiple strong circular dichroism peaks originating from absorptive and scattering phenomena. Unlike classical chiral molecules, these particles display a continuum of chirality measures that correlate exponentially with the spectral positions of the circular dichroism peaks. We will further demonstrate how these bowtie particles with variable polarization rotation were used to print photonically active metasurfaces with spectrally tunable positive/negative polarization signatures for light detection and ranging (LIDAR) devices.
Orthogonal Similarity Assessment of Monoclonal Antibodies Using CD, FTIR, and Raman
The biopharmaceutical market has been expanding dramatically over the past decade, particularly for therapeutic antibodies. As innovative antibodies are developed there is a strong push to develop biosimilars with identical higher order structure (HOS). The HOS of biopharmaceuticals directly impacts their efficacy and safety, which means verifying HOS is of great importance.
Current FDA guidelines emphasize the use of orthogonal quantitative methods in the comparison of reference products with biosimilars. For proteins, such as antibodies, circular dichroism, Fourier transform Infrared, and Raman spectroscopy are excellent tools for structural determination. To quantitate spectral difference for these spectroscopic techniques, Jasco has developed qHOS, a powerful spectral assessment tool. In this webinar we outline thestudy of monoclonal antibody structure using qHOS and various spectroscopic techniques.
Application of CD and IR to Food Analysis
In this webinar we will be discussing the analysis of plant-based proteins using two molecular spectroscopy techniques – circular dichroism and infrared, discussing different sampling accessories, selecting suitable concentrations, and estimating protein secondary and higher-order structure.
Who should view this webinar:
- Food Scientists
- Chemists & Biologists
- QA/QC Staff & Managers
- Lab Managers
Protein Secondary Structure Analysis using Infrared and Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
This webinar discusses the application of IR and circular dichroism spectroscopy for the study of secondary and tertiary structure of peptides and proteins.
- scientists in the biomedical field,
- professionals working with proteins, peptides, DNA and RNA vaccines,
- biochemists,
- biophysicists, and
- food scientists.
Excitation-Emission Matrices as fluorescence fingerprints of biofilms: A unique approach to assessing, remediating and troubleshooting water quality and biological treatment processes
In this previously recorded webinar, guest speaker Dr. Andrew Jacque discusses his innovative work to elucidate and remedy challenging water quality issues due to biofilm growth and other factors using a broad range of techniques including fluorescence and UV-Visible spectroscopy. Focus is on the insight provided by EEM fluorescence fingerprints.
Metabolic fingerprinting for diagnosis of fibromyalgia and other rheumatology disorders using Raman microscopy analysis of bloodspots
Guest speaker Dr. Luis Rodriguez-Saona, The Ohio State University, Food Science Department, shares his groundbreaking disease diagnosis work (FM, fibromyalgia) in this previously recorded webinar.
Applications in Fluorescence Spectroscopy:
Understanding, Analyzing & Optimizing Thermal Melts for Fluorescence, UV & CD Applications
This previously recorded seminar takes a closer look at bio-analysis using temperature control and thermal melting.
Key points include:
- Experimental design, including optimization of measurement parameters to achieve high quality data, such as
- Single-point vs. spectral data
- Staged temperature profiles for efficiency and accuracy
- Ramping vs. equilibrating temperature
- Analysis and data modeling, the pitfalls of poor data
- Relevant examples will be provided to illustrate good practices and highlight what kind of information can be gained
Live Demonstration of Raman Imaging Microscopy
In this previously recorded demo of the NRS-4500 confocal Raman microscope, using a variety of different samples, we show:
- How to use high sensitivity detection coupled with a high speed stage (QRI – quick Raman imaging) to perform large area fast imaging microscopy
- Dealing with problem samples with either rough or tilted surfaces (SSI – in-focus measurement)
- Finding particulate samples, automatically for faster set up and analysis (Simple Search)
This presentation is recommended for anyone interested to learn about Raman microscopy and how to get the best out of measurement for a range of sample matrices.
Fundamentals and Application of UV-Visible/NIR Spectroscopy: A Guide to Best Practices and Getting Good Data
This introductory webinar provides a review of UV-Visible theory and instrumentation basics, as well as a guide to best practices and getting good data, including information on:
- How different instrument components effects measurement results
- The difference between double beam and double monochromator instruments
- How to correctly perform a baseline measurement
- Integrating spheres and their applications
Live Demonstration of FTIR Imaging Microscopy
This demonstration is ideal for audiences interested in sampling and imaging techniques, good practice and optimization. We also introduce some unique features of the JASCO FTIR microscopy systems such as static mapping and wide area ATR imaging. This webinar covers:
- IQ Mapping,
- Fast Scan Mapping,
- ATR Mapping and
- Microscope interface software to create colored infrared maps.
Alternate Detection Techniques for HPLC
UV-Visible detection has been the standard for HPLC analysis for decades. This type of detection relies on a compound’s ability to absorb UV (or visible) light at certain wavelengths. But what about compounds that do not contain a chromaphore? Or compounds that have too low of a concentration to be detected via UV-Visible or where enantioselectivity is required? This webinar outlines alternate detection techniques such as fluorescence, refractive index, circular dichroism and evaporative light scattering to provide chemists with detection solutions outside of the UV-Visible realm.
FTIR Microscopy
This introductory webinar covers FTIR imaging. After a quick recap of FTIR theory and instrumentation, sample preparation, techniques and objectives are discussed. Additionally, hardware such as sample stages, detectors, and complimentary microscopy techniques are reviewed.
SFC Theory and Applications
This webinar covers the theory of supercritical fluids including their properties and advantages when applied to supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC). The design and requirements of the system hardware explains similarities to other chromatographic techniques like HPLC. Finally, a variety of industry applications is discussed highlighting the advantages of SFC for rapid analytical analyses and highly efficient preparative purifications.
Raman Microscopy and Imaging
This webinar takes a look into hardware and software necessary to obtain Raman images and mapping. Some of the applications reviewed include:
- Mapping of pharmaceutical tablets
- Identification and characterization of microplastics
- Contamination of silicon wafer
- Stress in semiconductor devices
- Images of carbon materials
FTIR Theory, Instrumentation, and Techniques
In this webinar, Dr. James Burgess gives a presentation on FTIR Theory and Instrumentation, which includes an introduction to the theory of IR spectroscopy – wavelength range, bond energies, and functional groups. A detailed introduction to the design concepts of the instrument follows. Finally, sampling techniques such as ATR (attenuated total reflectance), transmission, specular reflectance, and diffuse reflectance are discussed.
Circular Dichroism Measurement Optimization
Part 2 of our circular dichroism webinar series highlights sample considerations, measurement parameter optimization, and data processing functions including:
- Selecting a buffer/solvent
- The importance of monitoring the HT voltage
- What is D.I.T.?
- Optimizing the spectrum S/N
- Subtracting a background spectrum
- Converting to MRME
Vibrational Circular Dichroism
This webinar provides a review of vibrational circular dichroism, instrumentation and measurement parameters such as:
- Types of sample that are amenable to vibrational circular dichroism
- Effects of concentration and solvent selection
- Measurement optimization and minimization of artifacts
- Data analysis and comparison with ab initio calculation
Circular Dichroism Theory and Instrumentation
This introductory webinar provides a review of circular dichroism theory and instrumentation basics, as well as common biological applications including:
- Structural characterization of proteins
- VHH Antibody stability evaluation
- Thermal stability studies
- Structural characterization of nucleic acids
- Microassay methods
Fluorescence Theory and Instrumentation
Whether working in a teaching, research, or industrial lab, getting high-quality, reproducible data – in which you have confidence – is essential. This introductory webinar provides a review of foundational fluorescence concepts and how to use this knowledge to optimize fluorescence. Theory and instrumentation for steady-state photoluminescence is discussed along with practical pointers for parameter selection to get the most out of your data.
Raman Theory and Instrumentation
This webinar begins with an introduction to the Raman Effect, including how visible light can give vibrational information. Raman instrumentation is thoroughly examined detailing function and options for lasers, gratings, and detectors. Finally, some time is given to imaging/sampling options common to Raman microspectrometers.