Circular Dichroism

Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer


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J-1100 Circular Dichroism SpectrophotometerThe J-1100 Circular Dichroism spectrophotometer is a compact, general-purpose space-saving design. This simple yet powerful instrument is perfect for users looking to obtain more routine CD measurements in both industry and academia.

The J-1100 uses simple optimized parameters so that a wide range of users with different levels of CD knowledge can get right down to work and successfully obtain high-quality data. The wavelength range from 180 to 600 nm is suitable for obtaining secondary and tertiary structure measurements in the near- and far-UV. When fitted with a Peltier cell holder, the J-1100 be used for the measurement of CD, LD, and absorbance as a function of wavelength, temperature, and time.

The intuitive Spectra Manager™ Suite of spectroscopy software provides the user with sample measurement, independent from the data processing and analysis. This allows users to obtain new measurements while simultaneously analyzing previously acquired data for increased productivity.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

J-1000 Series Models

  • The basic, compact model for research, QA/QC, and teaching applications.


  • Highest performance with a wide range of accessories for maximum flexibility to meet complex research demands.


  • UV/Visible/NIR measurements up to 2,500 nm for MCD and specialized applications.


  • Automated high-throughput screening system for use with the J-1500/1700.

    High-Throughput CD