Heated Single-Reflection ATR

Heated Single-Reflection ATR Overview

ATR PRO 670H-S is a heated single-reflection. This ATR  meets the demand for measuring changes with ATR while gradually applying temperature to the sample.

Heated single-reflection ATR ATRPRO670H-S
Figure 1. Heated single-reflection ATR ATRPRO670H-S

Maximum Heating Temperature /Corresponding Prism

With the ATR PRO670H-S, you can select from three types of prisms, and the maximum heating temperature depends on the prism.

PrismMaximum Heating Temperatures

For example, diamond can be measured while heating up to 180 °C.

Both prisms use the same high-efficiency type as that used for normal single-reflection ATR, enabling high-precision measurement even when using a TGS detector.

Measurement of Salad Oil at 180°C

The spectrum below is shown by measuring the degree of deterioration of salad oil at 180 ° C using ATR PRO 670H-S.

The cis – trans conversion of unsaturated fatty acids in fats and oils is observed with oxidative deterioration.

Therefore, the degree of deterioration can be investigated by observing the peaks derived from each.

Spectral changes of salad oil at 180 ° C
Figure 2 Spectral changes of salad oil at 180 ° C

350°C Heated ATR

This 350°C heated single-reflection ATR supports heating measurements up to 350°C and is more suitable for tracking sample melting, glass transition, etc.

350°C Heated Single-Reflection ATR
Figure 3. 350°C Heated Single-Reflection ATR

The spectrum on the left tracks changes in the carbonyl group during PET heating.

By heating from room temperature to 350°C, it was possible to observe how the peak of the carbonyl group shifts to the high frequency side.

Tracking changes in carbonyl groups during PET heating

Figure 4 Tracking changes in carbonyl groups during PET heating

Heated Single-Reflection ATR Specifications

ATR PrismZnSe, Ge, Diamond (670H-S)
Diamond (690H-H)
ATR/Sample Contact Area1.5 mm diameter (ZnSe, Ge)
2.0 mm diameter (Diamond)
No. of Reflections1
Angle of Incidence45°
Pressure400 kg/cm2 (670H-S)
1,700 kg/cm2 (690H-H)
Operating Temperature180°C (Diamond)
150°C (Ge)
120°C (ZnSe)
* A connector panel is required when this accessory is fitted to the FT/IR-6000FV.