The NRS-5000 is a research-grade confocal Raman microscope with an f300 spectrograph that combines the flexibility of multiple detectors and multiple laser sources to quickly change between measurement modes for fast data acquisition to reduce experimental time. A number of unique technologies have been developed to improve measurement efficiency; these include
- QRI (Quick Raman Imaging) for very fast imaging with high-resolution auto-stage.
- SPRIntS (Software Programmable Raman Integration Speed) for fast mapping without the necessity of moving the sample stage.
- SRI (Spatial Resolution Image) for simultaneously viewing the sample image and laser spot.
- DSF (Dual Spatial Filtration) optimizes confocal focusing of the image produced by the objective lens to reduce aberration, improve spatial resolution, and reduce the effects of matrix fluorescence.
A rigid honeycomb optical base is the foundation of the instrument ensuring alignment and stability. The laser(s), microscope, software-switched optics, and a unique aberration-corrected polychromator with CCD or InGaAs detectors provide an integrated package compact enough to fit on a laboratory bench. Operator safety (Class 1 laser safety) is maintained by a fully enclosed automated sample chamber door. This provides a 120° opening for the user to freely access the sample stage and objectives revolver when setting up the experiment.
The NRS-5500 is equipped with a spectroscope with a focal length of 300 mm and is designed with an emphasis on the balance between the S/N ratio and resolution. The NRS-7500 is equipped with a 500 mm focal length spectrometer and is designed to achieve the highest level of peak resolution.
A high-resolution color CCD viewing system with synchronized image capture and spectrum measurement enables accurate sample identification and positioning. All data is recorded in the Spectra Manager™ imaging application. An automated 4-position grating selector, 2 internally mounted detectors, and up to 8 lasers ranging from the UV through the NIR. The NRS-5000 is software-controlled for maximum flexibility so that once the sample is loaded onto the sampling stage the user has complete control under conditions of class 1 laser safety.
The peak shifts slightly when the silicon is stressed. The magnitude of stress can be analyzed from the shift value. Simultaneous measurement with a Ne lamp enables highly accurate stress measurement.
NRS-5500/7500 can automatically switch 4 gratings by software operation. The grating can be selected according to the laser, and no optical adjustment is required. By using different gratings, it is possible to measure a wide range of wavenumbers at once or to measure a narrow range of wavenumbers in detail with high wavenumber resolution.
Two detectors can be installed at the same time. Detectors are selected according to conditions such as wavelength band, desired resolution, and high-speed imaging. Detector switching can be completed only by software operation.
System Features
- Exceptional wavenumber accuracy with a high-precision rotary-encoder direct drive mechanism
- Wide wavenumber range up to 8,000 cm-1
- Automated XYZ with joystick and mouse/keyboard control
- Spectra Manager™ operating system for measurement and confocal imaging
- Low wavenumber measurement, close to the Rayleigh scatter (NRS-5600/7600)
- Auto-alignment of microscope laser introduction optics and Raman scattering light path
- Wavenumber calibration using an internal Ne lamp
- Unique Dual Spatial Filter (DSF) providing higher spatial resolution than conventional confocal optics, especially in the Z-axis
- Patented Spatial Resolution Image (SRI) function for simultaneous observation of sample image, laser spot, and aperture image
- The Objective revolver can be mounted with a range of objective lenses matched to the measurement range (including dedicated NIR) and with a variety of magnification and working distances from x5 to x100
- Up to 8 lasers (9 wavelengths) each with a selected Edge or Notch filter
- Trinocular for direct observation
- Laser wavelengths from deep UV to 1,064 nm
- Detectors include CCD, EM-CCD, and InGaAs
- Macro-Raman measurement unit for large liquid and solid samples
- Measurement polarization
- Observation polarization
- Fiber optic probes
- Transmission Raman
- Macro Raman
- Heated and cryo-stages
- Gas cells
- Use with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) substrates
Maximum Resolution | 1 cm-1 (Optional: 0.4 cm-1) |
Measurement Range | 50 to 8,000 cm-1 |
Maximum Resolution | 1 cm-1 (Optional: 0.4 cm-1) |
Measurement Range | 10 to 8,000 cm-1 |