FTIR Spectrometer - The X-Series

  • The FT/IR-4X is a powerful Mid-IR FTIR spectrometer, with many features that you find in a research grade instrument, such as non-hygroscopic KRS-5 windows to prevent damage to the interferometer, a temperature controlled DLaTGS detector and a high output ceramic source for maximum sensitivity.

  • The FT/lR-6X FTIR spectrometers with 28 degree Michelson interferometer and diode timing laser is an excellent choice for more demanding research applications, where better polarization performance or a more flexible approach to samples and measurement are required.

  • The FT/IR-8X is a highly configurable optical system is applicable to virtually any FTIR application, from simple Mid IR measurement to much more complex analysis in the near and far IR.

The X-Series of FTIR spectrometers provide a complete solution for infrared molecular spectroscopy.

The FT/IR-4X FTIR spectrometer with 45° Michelson interferometer (including permanently aligned corner-cube mirrors, diode laser, and AccuTrac™ DSP technology). A broad range beam-splitter has excellent performance in the mid-IR with DLaTGS detector and non-hygroscopic KRS-5 windows. For higher sensitivity, an MCT detector is a good option for accessories with low light throughput, such as long path-length gas cells. The standard Ge/KBr beam-splitter can be exchanged with one of several different options to increase the wavenumber range from 15,000 cm-1 in the NIR to either 220 or 50 cm-1 in the Far-IR.

The FT/IR-6X FTIR spectrometer includes a more advanced optical system with a 28° Michelson interferometer (with corner-cube mirrors, diode laser, and AccuTrac™ DSP technology), for high-resolution measurement a HeNe laser replaces the diode laser. The FT/IR-6X is designed for more challenging FTIR measurements such as trace gas analysis, black-body emission, or emission characterization, which require higher throughput, and often require several beam-splitters and/or detectors.

The FT/IR-8X FTIR spectrometer is a highly configurable FTIR optical bench that includes a HeNe laser and gold-coated optics, operation is similar to the FT/IR-6X but it can also be configured for analyses that require extremely high resolution (down to 0.07 cm-1) or microsecond/nanosecond step-scan measurement.

The X-Series of FTIR spectrometers takes advantage of many useful software applications in the intuitive Spectra Manager™ Suite with integrated search software solution, KnowItAll® Informatics, and database.


FT/IR-X Series Models

  • Compact fixed range mid-IR spectrometer with options to extend to the NIR/FIR


  • Highly configurable research grade FTIR spectrometer


  • Advanced Research Grade Spectrometer
